Father Leonard's School Programs page

School Programs

The school program at Father Leonard Van Tighem consists of three components: the Religious Program, the Academic Program and the Social Program. All three are important to the student growth and development as responsible adults in our society.


1. Religious Studies

All students attending Father Leonard Van Tighem will take Religious Studies as part of the regular school program. We support the parish in preparing students to receive the sacraments of Holy Eucharist, Reconciliation and Confirmation. Please contact the parish for upcoming dates, schedules and registration information.

2. Daily Prayer

Each school day begins with a daily prayer and "Oh, Canada". In addition, each class may also begin and end with the day with a prayer.


The Academic Program at Father Leonard Van Tighem follows the Alberta Education Program of Studies.
Honor Roll
In order to qualify for honor roll students are required to have a collective average of 89.5% or better in science, social studies, language arts, math and religion. As well, students must also have completed all assignments, projects, and fully participated in all courses including options
Honor Roll with Distinction
In order to qualify for honor roll with distinction students are required to have a collective average of 95% or better in science, social studies, language arts, math and religion. As well, students must also have completed all assignments, projects, and fully participated in all courses including options

1. Core Subjects

The core subjects consist of Religious Studies, Language Arts, Social Studies, Mathematics and Science. All core subjects are compulsory for every student and must meet the time requirement as outlined by Alberta Education. In addition, students are required to take Physical Education and Health.

2. Complementary Subjects

Through these courses students are given opportunities to explore many areas of interest. Each year Father Leonard Van Tighem School offers a wide variety of complementary Career and Technology courses (CTS). Courses are offered dependent on the teacher's expertise, what is required and what the philosophy of our school allows us to offer. These option courses for the upcoming year can be viewed below.

Grade 7


Grade 8 & 9


GRADE 8 & 9 OPTONS DESCRIPTONS 2024-2025.pdf

3. Adapted Programming

At Father Leonard Van Tighem School we feel all students are unique and each has his/her own talents, abilities, and capabilities. It is our belief that each child deserves special care and an education best suited to his/her unique self. Our Special Education Liaisons work with classroom teachers to develop and implement Individual Program Plans for those students requiring them.


1. Co-Curricular Program

Father Leonard Van Tighem School has a variety of programs to meet the interests and diversified talents of our students. These programs give all our students the opportunity to gain experience in a wide range of varying activities and provide an opportunity for worthwhile involvement during the noon hour and after school.

2. Elementary Intramural Activities

Students have an opportunity to participate in a variety of activities each month. Two important goals of the program are to provide activities that are fun, and to encourage as many students as possible to participate. In order to achieve these goals, the activities take many forms. Some are designed so that teams compete against each other. There are also individual activities for those that prefer to compete on their own. Some of the events planned for next year include: Soccer-baseball, Scatter ball, Floor Hockey, Skittle ball, Challenge Month, Belly Baseball, Hat Day, Hawaiian Day, Tie Day, Twin Day, etc. Through Student Leadership, students are encouraged to make suggestions to enhance this program. 

3. Student Leadership

Student Leadership is offered as a Grade 8/9 complementary course. During this course, students will meet to plan events for the whole student body. These may include noon hour theme activities, dances, religious celebrations, assemblies and cross-graded family community building activities. 

4. Interscholastic Team Activities

Father Leonard Van Tighem sponsors inter-school teams that compete with other Junior High and Middle Schools in Lethbridge and the surrounding area in a variety of sports. These include:

Cross-Country running

(September & October)
Volleyball (September to November)
Basketball (December to March)
Badminton (March & April)
Track & Field (April & May)

Students are welcome to try out for the various teams prior to each sport schedule but in order to defray costs; there is a user fee for those students participating on teams. In addition there will be a nominal activity fee charged to all students. The Grade 6 teams compete with other elementary schools in our division within the city of Lethbridge.

5. Dances

Dances are open to Father Leonard Van Tighem students only. We expect all students attending the dances to remain until the end unless they provide supervisors with a parent note indicating otherwise. Parent volunteers are always needed to help make school dances possible.

6. Grade 9 Farewell

Each June a farewell celebration takes place good luck send off. A family social with slide show presentation takes place on this evening.

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