Father Leonard's FLVT Blessing Bags Christmas Project page

FLVT Blessing Bags Christmas Project

FLVT Blessing Bags Christmas Project
Posted on 12/01/2023
FLVT Blessing Bags Christmas Project

Friday, December 1st, 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Grade three and four students are organizing a Christmas Project as part of our District Faith Plan during the
month of December and we would like to invite your family to participate in this project with us. We will be
collecting items to create Blessing Bags for people in need in Lethbridge and donating them to Streets Alive. If
you would like your child to be involved in this project we would happily accept your donation. Each classroom
has been given a collection box and specific items for their class to collect to ensure variety but families are
welcome to donate additional items if they chose. The grade three and four students will be filling the Blessing
Bags and writing notes of hope to include in these bags prior to the Christmas holidays. All donations will be
collected by Tuesday, December 19th, so please ensure your donations are handed in by this date. .
Thank you for your support,
Grade Three and Four Students
Lip Balm
Soap Bars
Grade One( 1T and 1E)
Juice Boxes
Fruit Cups
Grade Two( 2J and 2TJ)
Grade Three (3K and 3A)
Nail Clippers
Hair Brushes
Grade Four( 4B and 4CC)
Granola Bars
Fruit Snacks
Grade Five( 5V and 5R)
Travel Size Shampoo
Grade Six ( 6W and 6L)
Individual Sized Kleenex
Grade Seven (7T,7J,7M,7G)
New or gently used mittens, socks or toques
Grade Eight (8P, 8P, 8K, 8K)
New or gently used mittens, socks or toques
Grade Nine (9C, 9H, 9H, 9B)
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